95, 97, 99 St. Mark’s Place | Block : 436 | Lot #52
Description & Building Alterations
Three buildings stand on this lot. The five-story with basement tenement at No. 99 St. Mark’s Place was built in 1873, designed by architect Frederick W. Klemt. The two buildings at No. 95 (four-story) & 97 (five-story with basement) were erected between 1838 and 1839.
Their present facades all feature stepped parapet. No. 95 & 97 have segmental-arched window openings, the later with molded lintels and footed sills. No. 99 feature footed window sills, segmental-arched lintels with decorations and moldings. Their entrances appear to have been moved from first story to ground level.
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Block : 436 / Lot : 052 / Building Date : 1838-39(No. 95, 97), 1873(No. 99) / Original Owner : Unknown(No. 95, 97), Julius Langenbahn(No. 99) / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown(No. 95, 97), Frederick W. Klemt(No. 99)
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