LOT 6: As seen in the State and National Register Listing for the Bowery Historic District: “Formerly 391 Bowery. Built as one of four houses developed on the land of Nicholas William
Stuyvesant, great-grandson of Petrus Stuyvesant, between 1825-27, marking the last phase in Stuyvesant family development of the Great Bowery. Operated as a porterhouse, liquor saloon, and bar into the 20th century. One of the buildings on this block of Cooper Square was, by the late 1890s, a gay resort called Little Bucks, which is described in testimony of the Mazet Committee (1899) on corruption in New York City as being opposite Paresis Hall, which stood at 392 Bowery. 35 Cooper is a candidate as it operated as a saloon and shortly after the Mazet Committee report, as a Hotel (a ruse to get around excise laws, which were widely discussed in the Mazet Committee). 1960s, occupied by poet Diane DiPrima, who, with LeRoi Jones, produced several editions of their legendary and influential mimeographed journal, The Floating Bear, from here. Also associated with former residents Billy Name, Joel Grey, J. Forest Vey, & Stan Sobossek, a painter who bought the building c. 1965 and ran a bar and club here, ca.1965-1970s, along with a painting studio.”
LOT 7: According to records, the building that occupied this lot was a five-story tenement that housed eight families in 1907. In 1958, the building was reportedly vacant. While it is not clear when the building was demolished, 1980s tax photos show the building with its windows bricked up, indicating that it was demolished sometime after that time.
LOT 8: An Alteration Application indicates that a structure existed here in 1893, but by 1918 a different Alteration Application indicates that the building was entirely vacant. At this time, the building is listed as having five floors and that it was formerly used as a store/saloon on the first story and hotel rooms on the second through fifth.
In 1926, a city inspector claimed that the fire exit facilities were not satisfactory and that the owner of the building since 1918 had not maintained the privilege to rent the upper floors as hotel rooms.
It is unknown when this building was demolished, but the lot was vacant by the 1980s, according to tax photos from that time.
Block : 461 / Lot : 006 / Building Date : 2016 / Original Owner : Cooper and 6th Property LLC / Original Use : Commercial/Residential / Original Architect : Kossar + Garry Architects LLP
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