East Village Building Blocks

291 East 4th Street | Block : 387 | Lot #41

  • Building Date : 1895
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : William Prager
  • Original Architect : Max Muller

Description & Building Alterations

No. 219 East 4th Street is a five-story Old Law Tenement providing housing for twenty families. The building is of brick construction with stone, brick, and terra cotta ornamentation.  It has an exposed basement level and is four bays in width.  The ornament around the windows varies and includes flat arches with radiating voussoirs at the second and third stories and spring arches at the fourth with brick pilasters between resting on corbelled bases.  There are horizontal banding and string courses.  Recent significant alterations have taken place to the first floor and cellar.

An arched window at the center of the façade was once the entrance to the building. The original door was accessed by a cement stoop and flanked by matching windows on either side, one of which remains relatively intact. A door to the cellar was installed and a new cornice has also replaced one that had been missing.

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Block : 387 / Lot : 041 / Building Date : 1895 / Original Owner : William Prager / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Max Muller


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