224 East 7th Street | Block : 389 | Lot #30
Description & Building Alterations
Lot 30 is comprised of a five-story Old law Tenement building constructed in 1892 by architect Charles Rentz.
This five story, brick-clad structure is three bays at the first floor and four bays at the upper stories. The first floor and exposed basement level appear to be clad in brownstone which has been painted. The first, second and fourth stories feature arched windows and there is original brownstone trim and ornamentation throughout. There are decorative terra cotta panels beneath the windows at the fourth and fifth floors. The cornice has been removed. Originally, the building housed twenty-one families with commercial space filling most of the ground floor. By the middle of the twentieth century, the building had been altered to house three more apartments as well as a doctor’s office in the basement. Today, an office occupies the basement while the remainder of the building is used for apartments.
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Block : 389 / Lot : 030 / Building Date : 1892 / Original Owner : Ferdinand Wingus / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Charles Rentz
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