East Village Building Blocks

207 First Avenue | Block : 454 | Lot #40

  • Building Date : 1851-52
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Patrick McCormuch
  • Original Architect : Unknown

Description & Building Alterations

This old law tenement, formerly four stories, was constructed between 1851 and 1852. In 1914 the storefront was replaced with another made of copper and wood. At this time a one-story addition was added to the rear of the building. The owner at this time was Grossman Investing Co. and the Architect was Henry M. Entlich.

In 1920, when the building was used as a store and tenement, the storefront was again replaced and water closets were installed. During this time the architect was Otto Reissmann and the owner was Louis and Nathan Hirsh. In 1938 the top story was replaced, the storefront was divided in two, and a loft was created on the second floor. During this alteration the owners were Louis and Ida Hirsch and the architect was Michael Marlo. In 1939 the storefront was altered again, the interior stairs were altered, and the second floor loft was used as storage for the store. In 1963 the exterior stairs were replaced, new toilets were installed, and the first floor was used as the Slavic Evangelical Church. These renovations were finished by architect William S. Shary. It is two stories, two bays wide, and has a modern facade clad in panels.

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Block : 454 / Lot : 040 / Building Date : 1851-52 / Original Owner : Patrick McCormuch / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown

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