17-21 Avenue A | Block : 429 | Lot #35
Description & Building Alterations
This lot consists of two separate buildings which were joined together in 1933 and were originally built 1838-39 according to the tax records. One, the historic lot 35 (19-21 Avenue A) is a four story, five bay brick loft building, painted white and originally it was built as a church and it was altered in the 1870’s to its present form (see permits). The middle bay’s windows have been filled in. It has two-story plate glass front (added in 1914). The historic lot 36 (17 Avenue A) is a four story, three-bay unpainted brick building that was built as a row house. Records show that it once had a galvanized iron cornice, but it has been removed. A 51-foot long sign spans the fronts of both buildings above the first story.
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Block : 429 / Lot : 035 / Building Date : 1838-39 / Original Owner :Ebenezer Baptist Church (35), Azor Hoyt (36) / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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