101 St. Mark’s Place | Block : 436 | Lot #50
Description & Building Alterations
This six-bay wide, five-story with basement old-law tenement was originally built in 1891, designed by architect Kurtzer Rohl.
The present facade features round-arched window capping with decorated tympanum and keystones, brownstone detailing, carved pediments, hooded lintels, beltcourses, and a round-arched entrance portico.The roof cornice has been removed.
Acclaimed poets Alice Notley and Ted Berrigan lived in this building. Notley was associated with the second generation of the New York School of poetry, she was involved with the St. Mark’s Poetry Project, the hub for the school.
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Block : 436 / Lot : 050 / Building Date : 1891 / Original Owner : George Hornberger / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Kurtzer & Rohl
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