98-100 Avenue C | Block : 376 | Lot #5
Description & Building Alterations
This building was constructed in 1905 as a 27 family tenement by Adolph Danizger of 14 East 111th Street who hired architect George Frederick Pelham to design the structure. The brick facade is highly decorated with incised brickwork and a variety of stone window surrounds, such as the segmental arches at the second and fifth stories. The cornice is bracketed and modillioned with a peneled frieze.
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Pelham was a prolific architect and designed a number of notable and landmarked buildings throughout the city. The construction of this building was recorded in the
American Architect and Building News. In 1915 new owner I. Rosenberg of 1926 65
th Street in Brooklyn enlarged a first floor window and turned it into an entrance. To accommodate a bakery oven in the basement a new chimney was installed in 1939 by owner Max Weingarten.
Block : 376 / Lot : 005 / Building Date : 1905 / Original Owner : Adolph Danzinger / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : George Frederick Pelham
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