95 Avenue A | Block : 434 | Lot #36
Description & Building Alterations
This Italianate four-story tenement was constructed in c. 1849 along with a small two-story rear building on Lot 36, now 443 East 6th Street. This property and those north and south of it were owned by John J. Astor prior to development. It is located in the East Village/Lower East Side Historic District on the corner of Avenue A and East 6th Street. The lot was part of John J. Astor’s holdings and passed down to William Astor.
The present facade features a galvanized metal cornice, frieze; and metal lintels and sills. The storefront has been modified. More information can be found in the Designation Report, linked in the “Additional Resources” section.
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Block : 434 / Lot : 036 / Building Date : c. 1849 / Original Owner : George Swartz / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown
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