East Village Building Blocks

43 First Avenue; 43-47 First Avenue; 90-92 East 3rd Street | Block : 444 | Lot #34

  • Building Date : 1866
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Illegible
  • Original Architect : Unknown

Description & Building Alterations

The buildings on this lot, now known solely as Lot 34, were once divided into Lots 34, 35, 36, and 37. The five-story brick buildings located at 43-49 First Avenue were constructed in 1866.

Since, these buildings have been combined into one building with an entrance on First Avenue. A deed transfer occurred in 1970 and the latest available alteration permit on DOB is from 1972, so it is possible the upper floors of these buildings were combined at that time. There is now a rooftop addition; based on the 1980s tax photo (see link at sidebar) the band with diamond shapes and the rooftop addition were likely added in the late 1980s or 1990s.

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Also on the current lot is a small one story building with two entrance doors and two large show windows. The building appears to have been used for retail or office purposes. There is a terrace on the roof. The 1868 map indicates that a five-story stone building at No. 90 East 3rd Street once stood here and that it was owned by Star Frankfurter Co. The building was demolished in 1967.

Interestingly, before these buildings were constructed, the site was occupied by the Allan Hay and Company Soap and Candle Factory. The 1857 Perris map shows that the factory was made of brick, and that interior doorways connected one space to the other. In the 1867 Dripps map, this factory seems to have been reduced in size and only occupied buildings where Nos. 43 and 45 now stand. It is likely they vacated this space the following year when the current buildings were possibly constructed.

Block : 444 / Lot : 034 / Building Date : 1866 / Original Owner : Illegible / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown

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