East Village Building Blocks

87 East 2nd Street | Block : 443 | Lot #30

  • Building Date : 1871
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Ferdinand Emerling
  • Original Architect : William Jose

Description & Building Alterations

Originally, a two-story pre-old law tenement was constructed on this site in 1871 by architect William Jose, who was known for his tenement designs. By 1897, the double-lot building was raised to five stories. Occupied by stores in 1940, the first floor was later converted into residential space. Some elements from the former storefront are still visible on this part of the facade, such as the flat cornice and pilasters.

The Romanesque Revival facade features brick and terra-cotta. The first story consists of a storefront that is painted black, which creates the first register. The second register consists of the second and the third stories. Separated by a thin brick beltcourse, they both possess arched lintels above the windows. The last register is comprises the fourth and fifth stories. The windows extend both stories and are framed by arched openings. The fifth story is topped by a decorative frieze. The building also features foliated spandrels and friezes, and animal-head keystones. The modillioned cornice has been removed since the 1980s.

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Block : 443 / Lot : 030 / Building Date : 1871 / Original Owner : Ferdinand Emerling / Original Use : Commercial/Residential  / Original Architect : William Jose

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