East Village Building Blocks

83 East 2nd Street | Block : 443 | Lot #28

  • Building Date : 1836-39
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Thomas P. Way
  • Original Architect : Unknown

Description & Building Alterations

This three-story with basement residential building was built between 1836 and 1839. Two lots were split into three.

In 1913, the first floor was altered into a store and the building was reconfigured to be occupied by three families instead of two. The facade may have undergone several alterations during the following years since the first floor changed uses several times (from a doctors office in 1956 to a store again in 1963).

Originally a three-story building, it was extended to four stories in an alteration that took place in 2006-07. At this time, a new facade was installed that involved eliminating a parapet and creating arched windows at the third floor, all which is visible in the 1940s tax photo.

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Block : 443 / Lot : 028 / Building Date : 1836-39 / Original Owner : Thomas P. Way / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown

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