79 Avenue C; 79-87 Avenue C; 654 East 6th Street | Block : 387 | Lot #135
Description & Building Alterations
There are two buildings on lot 135: 79 Avenue C and 652 East 6th Street (formerly lot 34).
652 East 6th Street was built between 1847 and 1848 according to tax records. In 1884, a one-story building was constructed on the rear of the lot and used for storage. The front building was at one time used as a five-car parking garage while the upper floors remained vacant.
Five buildings facing Avenue C were demolished on lots 35-39 (now lot 135) in 1940 to construct the present single-story commercial building at 79 Avenue C. Labor for the demolition was provided by the United States Works Projects Administration.
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Block : 387 / Lot : 135 / Building Date : 1847 & 1940 / Original Owner : George Folsom & Garel Realty Corp. / Original Use : Residential & Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown & J.E. Hughes
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