78 Second Avenue | Block : 446 | Lot #4
Description & Building Alterations
The building at 78 Second Avenue was originally built in 1841 as a three-story Greek Revival-style row house with an attic story under a peaked roof. It was raised to full four stories in 1886.
The current facade features planar brick and a historic bracketed cornice with Queen Anne-style elements likely installed in 1886, at the time of the building’s extension. The historic stoop, entrance enframement and window lintel details have been removed. The one-story storefront extension was added in 1929.
This building is part of a row of houses at 78 to 84 Second Avenue originally owned by Elisha Peck.
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Block : 446 / Lot : 004 / Building Date : 1841, 1886 / Original Owner : Elisha Peck (1841), Emilie Gevvard (1886) / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown (1841), Frederick Ebeling (1886)
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