East Village Building Blocks

67-69 Avenue D | Block : 375 | Lot #39

  • Building Date : 1902
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Max Kotzen
  • Original Architect : Michael Bernstein

Description & Building Alterations

This building has an ornate façade with pedimented windows and terracotta panels with detailing based on the Renaissance Revival style. It also includes quoins, belt courses, and fire escapes with lovely scrollwork details.  The rather jaunty façade is anchored by an austere bracketed cornice.

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The building was built in 1902 as a tenement and stored by developer Max Kotzen of 52 Broadway who employed the services of architect Michael Bernstein of 111 Broadway.  The building’s construction was mentioned in the March 15, 1902 issue of the American Architect and Building News in the “Building Intelligencer” column which stated it cost $35,000 to build, somewhat more expensive than other tenements.

Block : 375 / Lot : 039 / Building Date : 1902 / Original Owner : Max Kotzen / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Michael Bernstein

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