East Village Building Blocks

621 East 6th Street | Block : 389 | Lot #50

  • Building Date : 1877
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : David Jones
  • Original Architect : Peter Tostevin

Description & Building Alterations

The building at 621 East 6th Street was constructed in a row with six other tenement houses in 1877, all owned by prominent brewer and large real-estate owner David Jones. This Italianate-style building is five stories in height and features a rusticated, stone-clad first floor with three bays. The entry is centered and all three openings are arched with radiating voussoirs. The upper stories are four bays and the windows have identical ornamental sills and curved lintels. The metal cornice features dentils, modillions, and raised panels at the frieze between the heavily articulated brackets. The non-commercial ground floor displays rusticated stonework.

The tenements were built following a fire that destroyed a large brewery owned by Jones, which had existed on East 6th Street for about 25 years. As with its neighbor on Lot 49, many historic details are still present. Although once sandwiched by identical buildings, the building to its west, 619 East 6th Street, was demolished in 1940. In the mid-1990’s the building was rehabilitated and updated by the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development and today is an HDFC building.

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Block : 389 / Lot : 050 / Building Date : 1877 / Original Owner : David Jones / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Peter Tostevin

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