610-612 East 5th Street | Block : 387 | Lot #15
Description & Building Alterations
The building at 610 East 5th Street is a six-story brick tenement constructed in 1903 by the architect A.E. Badt.
The tenement originally housed 23 families and one store on the ground floor. Stone details on the red brick façade are very much intact on the second through sixth floors of the building. The classical details, primarily at the window surrounds include radiating voussoirs with scrolled keystones and arched openings at the top floor with egg and dart molding. The first floor, which was once a store, has been bricked over since its construction. It most likely had a cornice. At one time the building was a neighbored by other tenements, which were demolished in 1952 to make room for its current neighbor, P.S. 64.
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Block : 387 / Lot : 015 / Building Date : 1903 / Original Owner : M. Jacobs / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : A.E. Badt
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