60 St. Mark’s Place | Block : 449 | Lot #19
Description & Building Alterations
This five-story building was originally erected as a three-story house with attic but was significantly altered in 1887 by architect Jobst Hoffimann when the fifth level was added.
The current facade features a bracketed cornice with paneled frieze and an elaborate enframement the at fourth story center bay with pilasters and a figural carving at the segmental arch. Molded window lintels with decorated panels are found at the top floor although most historic window lintels have been stripped. The original entrance with its stoop on first floor has been removed, and the entry was moved to the former basement, now first level.
The artist Joan Mitchell had her studio here from 1951 to 1957.
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Block : 449 / Lot : 019 / Building Date : 1841-43; 1887 (alt.) / Original Owner : Peter Stuyvesant / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown (1841-43); Jobst Hoffmann
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