38 Second Avenue | Block : 444 | Lot #1
Description & Building Alterations
There are two four-story former tenement buildings on this lot that were altered and combined. No. 38 and No. 40 Second Avenue were merged into one building and covered in pale stucco at some point between 1966 and the 1980s. Before this alteration, No. 38 was four stories and housed a store and dwelling, and No. 40 was also four stories, housing a popular Romanian-Jewish restaurant called Moskowitz & Lupowitz, an office, and two families.
The current building features a sloped green slate roof with no ornament on the facade. No new building records have been found, making it difficult to determine the original architect.
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Block : 444 / Lot : 001 / Building Date : 1843-45 / Original Owner : John Larkin / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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