325 Bowery | Block : 458 | Lot #1
Description & Building Alterations
This building was built in 1834, or possibly earlier, for owner Peter Palmer.
Typical for that time, the building was a two-and-a-half-story house with Flemish Bond brickwork. The Flemish Bond is present on all but the top floor, which was added in 1874, the same year that the building was extended in the rear. The bracketed cornice as well most likely dates from 1874. The ground floor storefront has been altered as well.
In 1973, this corner building opened as the Tin Palace, a jazz nightclub. Owner Paul Pines, who had also managed and worked at Phebe’s up the block, created the club as a breath of fresh air for the jazz community, as the increase in heavy drug use and violence had started to surround the genre.
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Block : 458 / Lot : 001 / Building Date : 1834 / Original Owner : Peter Palmer / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect: Unknown
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