East Village Building Blocks

321 East 12th Street; 319-321 East 12th Street | Block : 454 | Lot #60

  • Building Date : 1907
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Jacob Fish
  • Original Architect : Samuel Sass

Description & Building Alterations

This new law tenement building was completed in 1907 by architect Samuel Sass for owner Jacob Fish along with 315 East 12th Street. The building originally housed thirty-four families. Internal alterations were carried out in 1913 under owner Otto Reissman by architect Isaac Mendoza. Further interior alterations to bathrooms and kitchens were finished in 1967 by the East 12th Associated Inc. and architect Sidney Goldhammer. The building is six stories in height, nine bays wide, and clad in gray brick. The first floor has been stuccoed, and there is dentil molding between the second and third floors. The windows vary in their ornament but many include scrolled keystones. The center three bays at the third floor are grouped with a “temple front” surround with pilasters and a pediment of the middle window. The cornice has been removed.

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Block : 454 / Lot : 060 / Building Date : 1907 / Original Owner : Jacob Fish / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Samuel Sass

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