312 East 9th Street | Block : 450 | Lot #11
Description & Building Alterations
This six-story tenement building was originally erected in 1899 with commercial space by developer August Ruff, designed by architect Kurtzer & Rohl. The two cooperated on many other projects in East Village/Lower East Side. The neighboring tenements at 316-318 East 9th Street share an identical facade with No. 312.
The four-bay wide facade features a projecting bracketed cornice with an ornate frieze, molded window lintels with triangular pediments, beltcourses, brick panels, and iron pilasters flanking the entrance at the first story. The German Odd Fellows’ Home and Orphan Asylum of the State of New York, organized on August 12, 1886, was listed at this location in 1902 by the Estimates of the Departments, Board of Education, Judiciary and Officers of The City of New York.
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Block : 450 / Lot : 011 / Building Date : 1899 / Original Owner : August Ruff / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Kurtzer & Rohl
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