East Village Building Blocks

305 East 8th Street | Block : 391 | Lot #57

  • Building Date : 1902
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Nathan Silverson
  • Original Architect : George Frederick Pelham

Description & Building Alterations

This 1902 tenement building reflects the tenement law of 1901 and is considered a “new law” tenement.  Rather than the dumbbell shaped footprint of its predecessors, this plan has more street frontage and open courtyards within the plan to allow for additional light and air.  While missing its cornice, this building still retains much of its original detail.  The Renaissance Revival style of the building is indicated by the colorful string courses at the base, simulated quoins framing groupings of bays and its classical ornament.  The entrance retains its original Ionic columns.  Built along with its neighbor at 299 East 8th Street, the original cornice would have likely matched the remaining one to the west.  When built, this building was designed to house 30 families.

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Block : 391 / Lot : 057 / Building Date : 1902 / Original Owner : Nathan Silverson / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : George Frederick Pelham

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