304 East 11th Street; 304-306 East 11th Street | Block : 452 | Lot #9 - 11
Description & Building Alterations
304 & 306 East 11th Street were built in 1891 for 21 families, designed by architect Bruno W. Berger. They share an identical facade.
Both buildings feature a partially rusticated stone base, brick surface on upper stories, bracketed cornice with paneled frieze, molded lintels with hoods, segmental arches above top-floor windows, patterned brickwork, and segmental-arched window openings with lintels on the first floor. The original entrance enframements and stoops of both tenements were removed in 1941.
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Block : 452 / Lot : 09 – 011 / Building Date : 1891 / Original Owner : Henry Riffel / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Bruno W. Berger
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