297 East 3rd Street | Block : 373 | Lot #57
Description & Building Alterations
Though altered, the building No. 297 East 3rd Street retains the opening for a rose window that reflects its past as a synagogue for congregation Cheura Bhurim Ainshe Ungran (Association of Young Men from the Community of Hungary) designed by Ebeling & Meyer in 1903. The original façade features a peaked roof with a dentilated cornice; flanking two over two windows and a central entrance with a classical surround topped with an elaborate half round window. In 1916 the interior of the building was altered and in 1953 the facade was altered by Congregation Chevra Bachurim B’nei Menashe Moishe Zwee.
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Block : 373 / Lot : 057 / Building Date : 1903 / Original Owner : Congregation Chevra Bachurim Anshe Ungarn / Original Use : Religious Institution / Original Architect : Ebeling Meyer
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