283 East 4th Street; 283-285 East 4th Street | Block : 387 | Lot #44
Description & Building Alterations
No. 283 East 4th Street was constructed in 1899 on Lot 44 and 45 as two tenements to house 24 families with stores in the basement.
These two six-story, four bay tenements are dumb bells in their plans and have exposed basement levels. Clad in light brick with stone and terra cotta ornament, there are spring arches at the top story windows. The upper four stories are flanked by brick pilasters with corbelled brick at their bases. The first story windows are paired and feature radiating voussoirs. Where there are now two large empty arched opening with columns were likely the main entrances accessed by stoops. The basement storefronts on either side of the former entryways have also been removed. Although the basement and ground floor have undergone significant alterations, the upper floors retain a good deal of original ornamentation. Stucco above the sixth story windows indicates that there may have been a cornice there at one time. Today the building has 36 apartments.
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Block : 387 / Lot : 044 / Building Date : 1899 / Original Owner : Urry Goodman / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Nathan Langer
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