256 East 10th Street; 256-258 East 10th Street | Block : 437 | Lot #10
Description & Building Alterations
Originally built in 1900 as a tenement and designed by Charles B. Meyers, this six-story, seven-bay wide building at 256 East 10th Street continues to be used as apartment dwellings for families.
The present facade features segmental-arched window openings with keystones at the first story, segmental-arched windows with molded surrounds and keystones at second and sixth stories, elaborate molded window lintels at the third through fifth storys, segmental-arched pediments at the fifth story, and quoining at the building corners. The slightly recessed entrance is topped by a stone cartouche and is framed by incised pilasters supporting molded entablature.
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Block : 437 / Lot : 010 / Building Date : 1900 / Original Owner : Gordon, Levy & Co. / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Charles B. Meyers
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