240-242 East 4th Street; 50-54 Avenue B | Block : 399 | Lot #30
Description & Building Alterations
This corner lot new law tenement was built by Morris Goodman and Moses Wallach in 1902 and housed 25 families over stores. Designed by prolific neighborhood architects Bernstein & Bernstein, this six-story building is in their most utilized style: Renaissance Revival. The red-and-white brick and terra cotta details provide plentiful ornamentation. The windows are emphasized with a variety of full surrounds, arched and triangular pediments, and detailed lentils. The unique corner design is emphasized by the cornice, which is thankfully still intact.
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Block : 399 / Lot : 30 / Building Date : 1902 / Original Owner : Goodman and Wallach / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Bernstein & Bernstein
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