23 Avenue D | Block : 373 | Lot #40
Description & Building Alterations
This Old-Law Tenement was one of two buildings constructed in 1899 by J. Roth and M. Wielandt. The construction costs for both buildings was $60,000 and combined they housed 42 families. In 1903 the storefronts of the building were altered by the owner Isidore Leipzig of 340 Eats 4th Street employing the services of architects Ebeling & Meyer of 194 Bowery. In 1930 additional openings were cut into the building and entrances on the 3rd Street elevation were bricked in by owners Morris Levinson and Solomon Shapiro.
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Block : 373 / Lot : 040 / Building Date : 1899 / Original Owner : M. Wielandt & J. Roth / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Horenburger & Straub
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