227 First Avenue | Block : 455 | Lot #38
Description & Building Alterations
According to tax assessment records, Lots 38 through 42 were constructed together in 1849-1850. This lot was originally owned by Patrick Ryan. In 1880 the front wall was rebuilt with a cast-iron arch girder and a wrought iron tension rod that supported the upper three stories. The cast iron arch was supported by three cast-iron box columns. In 1921, when the building housed the Long Island Meat Market, the rear elevation was extended by architect Harry Hurwitz. The fourth story was extended in 2005 and rooftop addition was constructed then as well. 227 First Avenue is four stories in height and three bays with a modernized facade clad in gray brick.
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Block : 455 / Lot : 038 / Building Date : 1849-1850 / Original Owner : Patrick Ryan / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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