206 East 11th Street; 206-208 East 11th Street | Block : 466 | Lot #12
Description & Building Alterations
This church was built in 1851-1852 as the Welsh Presbyterian Church. In 1891, a temporary school was erected in the rear of yard by school architect, C.B.J. Snyder, and two panels in the rear windows were cut down to form doors leading from the main building to the yard through a wooden stairway.
In 1960 the building was altered and converted into a theater that held 230 people. In 1971, All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church bought the building and converted it back into a church.
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Block : 466 / Lot : 12 / Building Date : 1851-1852 / Original Owner : Welsh Presbyterian Church / Original Use : Religious Institution / Original Architect : Unknown
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