117-119 East 7th Street | Block : 435 | Lot #43
Description & Building Alterations
This six-story, six-bay wide tenement was built in 1907, designed by architects Bernstein & Bernstein.
The facade features a bracketed galvanized-iron cornice with garlanded frieze, round-arched window openings with keystones at fifth story, flat lintels with foliate keystones at second and third stories, molded window surrounds with elaborate keystones at second story, brick quoining surrounding window bays at the second to fourth stories, and terra-cotta beltcourses and decorative panels. The first story central entrance is framed by ornate pilasters supporting a full entablature and is flanked by two storefronts.
A map of East Village art galleries from 1983 (see sidebar) shows that the East 7th Street Gallery was at this location.
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Block : 435 / Lot : 043 / Building Date : 1907 / Original Owner : Joseph Harbater & Solomon Silk / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Bernstein & Bernstein
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