East Village Building Blocks

107 Avenue C; 229 East 7th Street | Block : 390 | Lot #37

  • Building Date : 1899
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Bessie Ruth
  • Original Architect : Schneider and Herter

Description & Building Alterations

Lot 37 is comprised of former lots 37 and 38. There are records of buildings on these lots dating to 1846, when they were owned by a group called McGuire and Brady. At that time, they likely appeared similar to the three buildings to the north of the lot, which were constructed at the same time by the same owners. In 1851, the corner lot 38 was listed in tax records as a “horse artillery.”

The current six-story old law tenement was constructed around the turn of the 20th century. In 1937, there were four apartments on each floor above the ground floor. Today, the building has ten residential units and two retail spaces. The south facade is seven bays wide and the east facade is six bays wide. There are round arched windows at the fourth floor with keystones.  The bracketed, modillioned cornice projects from the roof line and there are belt courses above the second and fourth stories. The ground floor appears to have been altered, and is currently occupied by stores.

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Block : 390 / Lot : 037 / Building Date : 1899 / Original Owner : Bessie Ruth / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Schneider and Herter


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