East Village Building Blocks

46 East 1st Street | Block : 443 | Lot #54

  • Building Date : 1872
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : John Knopp
  • Original Architect : Theodore Beir

Description & Building Alterations

This five-story with basement brick tenement was built in 1872, by owner John Knopp in the same design as the buildings on at Nos. 50 and 52 East 1st Street. The architect was Theodore Beir, and the building was originally occupied by four families per each of the upper floors and two families in the basement. There was a store in the basement from 1905 until 1957.

The entrance was moved from the first floor to the basement in 1957, and the alteration is visible due to the red brick infill and remaining arched entrance lintel. The facade features a cornice with a rounded arch central piece. The windows are decorated by bowed lintels with modillions and bracketed sills.

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Block : 443 / Lot : 054 / Building Date : 1872 / Original Owner : John Knopp / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Theodore Beir

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