91 Second Avenue | Block : 461 | Lot #33
Description & Building Alterations
The building was raised from four to five stories in 1886, the sixth story was constructed in 2005-07, at which time the entire facade was replaced.
Several sources reference this structure as the childhood home of brothers and songwriting team Ira Gershwin (1896-1983) and George Gershwin (1898-1937). Located in the heart of the Yiddish Theater District, the family lived on the second floor of 91 Second Avenue. The story goes that when George was about 12 years old, the family bought a piano which was hoisted into their apartment through the window of the front room. Upon delivery of the instrument, George immediately sat down and played a popular tune of the day which he had practiced previously at the home of a friend who lived on 7th Street.
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Block : 461 / Lot : 33 / Building Date : 1843-45, altered 2005 / Original Owner : Joseph R. Stuyvesant or T. Donnelly / Original Use : Residential (1843), Residential/Commercial (2005) / Original Architect : Unknown (1834), Israel Peles (2005)
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