84 East 3rd Street | Block : 444 | Lot #31
Description & Building Alterations
This five-story tenement building located at No. 84 East 3rd Street was built in 1867-68, in a similar fashion with its neighbors. It was originally owned by M. Day and occupied by 22 families. In the early 20th century, it was reconfigured to be occupied by 2o families and with storefronts on the ground level.
The historic cornice was removed prior to the 1980s. The facade features round arched window lintels and bracketed sills. The first floor and basement have undergone major alterations, and as a result the stoop was removed and the entrance was moved to the basement level. It appears that the cornice above the first floor has also been removed.
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Block : 444 / Lot : 031 / Building Date : 1867-68 / Original Owner : M. Day / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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