78 East 3rd Street; 78 Front East 3rd Street; 78 Rear East 3rd Street | Block : 444 | Lot #28
Description & Building Alterations
Two buildings exist on this lot, one in the front and one in the rear. A house existed on the lot as early as 1835 and presumably is the rear house seen on the 1853 map and still in evidence today. In 1862, the lot was described as containing one three-story house, valued at $2,700. 1863 tax records describe the property as being occupied by two houses, valued at $5,000. The front building was a four-story tenement, and the three-story rear building was used as a boarding house.
The brick facade consists of a modillioned cornice. The lintels have been shaved down and the storefront has been altered.
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Block : 444 / Lot : 028 / Building Date : 1835 (rear), 1862-63 (front) / Original Owner : M. Day (1835), Thomas Price (1862-63) / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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