East Village Building Blocks

67 East 2nd Street | Block : 443 | Lot #20

  • Building Date : 1899
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Benedict A. Klein
  • Original Architect : George Frederick Pelham

Description & Building Alterations

This six-story old law brick tenement building designed by George Frederick Pelham was built in 1899 in the Renaissance Revival-style. The owner at the time was Benedict A. Klein. It was to be occupied by 50 families, eight per floor and two in the basement.

The facade features ornamental brick or terra cotta beltcourses separating each floor of the facade. Arched, pedimented and molded window lintels mark different stories, some with figural keystones. The top and the first floors consist of ornamental spandrels. The entrance is enframed with decorative carving and a heavy door hood. The building includes a bracketed and modillioned cornice and the original stoop.

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Block : 443 / Lot : 020 / Building Date : 1899 / Original Owner : Benedict A. Klein / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : George Frederick Pelham

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