67 Avenue C | Block : 387 | Lot #34-36
Description & Building Alterations
No. 67 Avenue C encompasses Lots 34-36. A vacant five-story Old Law Tenement building was demolished on the site in 1950, by its owner, Dry Dock Savings Bank, who then built a 1 story plus mezzanine bank building in 1969.
In 1969, the buildings on Lots 35 and 36 were demolished by the Housing Development Administration and in 1989 a new building was constructed on those lots. Today the building serves a religious purpose as a Kingdom Hall for Jehovah’s Witnesses. The two-story building has an assembly space on the first floor and a minister’s apartment on the second.
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Block : 387 / Lot : 034-036 / Building Date : 1969 & 1989 / Original Owner : Dry Dock Savings Bank & Lower Manhattan Congregation Jehovah Witnesses / Original Use : Commercial/Institutional / Original Architect : A.L. Seiden & Unknown
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