East Village Building Blocks

650 East 12th Street; 646-650 East 12th Street | Block : 394 | Lot #32-34

  • Building Date : 1945
  • Original Use : Commercial
  • Original Owner : Harry Field
  • Original Architect : Ervin Palmer

Description & Building Alterations

Designed and built between 1945-49 by architect Ervin Palmer for Harry Field, the building was a freight terminal and garage with offices on second floor.  This building actually wrapped around behind the corner lot and had another garage entrance on lot 36 on Avenue C.

Now the Social Security Administration, the building was heavily altered.  The facade, which was brick with industrial garage doors and steel windows, has been refaced in concrete panels with a granite base and the window and door openings reworked and an additional garage bay on the eastern portion of the building was removed.

Prior to this building, there was a foundry on this property from the mid-19th century.

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Block : 394 / Lot : 032 / Building Date : 1945-49 / Original Owner : Harry Field / Original Use : Commercial / Original Architect : Ervin Palmer


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