East Village Building Blocks

64 East 7th Street | Block : 448 | Lot #16

  • Building Date : 1839-1840, 2009-11
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : L.S. Mead (1839-40), Lisa J. Fox (2009-11)
  • Original Architect : Unknown (1839-40), William Peterson (2009-11)

Description & Building Alterations

This building was originally erected as a three-story with basement Greek Revival-style row house in 1839-40. A store was added at the basement before the 1940s. In 2009-11, the building was converted back to a single-family house, with the store removed.

The facade features a rusticated brownstone base and a brownstone portico at the entrance with engaged pilasters supporting the entablature, molded window lintels and rectangular sills. The present bracketed cornice replaced the former one during the 2009-11 alteration.

This building was the parsonage for St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. Reverend George Haas resided here with his family around 1900. The Reverend’s wife and daughter perished in the 1904 General Slocum disaster, when the steamboat he organized to take his congregation on a church picnic caught on fire. Subsequently, many Germans moved from the neighborhood.

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Block : 448 / Lot : 016 / Building Date : 1839-1840, 2009-11 / Original Owner : L.S. Mead (1839-40), Lisa J. Fox (2009-11) / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown (1839-40), William Peterson (2009-11)

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