635 East 6th Street | Block : 389 | Lot #43
Description & Building Alterations
“Jones’ Brewery” was located between 617 and 637 East 6th Street from about 1850 until 1875 when it was destroyed by a massive fire. Two years later the owner, a prominent brewer and large real-estate owner named David Jones constructed a two story storage building at 635 and 637 East 6th Street. According to an alteration permit submitted in 1888, the building was converted into a tenement, raised to five stories, and split into two separate buildings. The upper stories are four bays and the windows have identical ornamental lintels and sills. The metal cornice features dentils, modillions, and raised panels at the frieze between the heavily articulated brackets. The commercial ground floor has no visible stonework, like some of the neighboring buildings. After the turn of the century, stores were added to the ground floor .
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Block : 389 / Lot : 043 / Building Date : 1877 / Original Owner : David Jones / Original Use : Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown
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