East Village Building Blocks

625 East 6th Street | Block : 389 | Lot #48

  • Building Date : 1877
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : David Jones
  • Original Architect : Peter Tostevin

Description & Building Alterations

No. 625 East 6th Street is part of a row of seven tenement houses built in 1877. Originally owned by prominent brewer and large real-estate owner David Jones, the tenements were built on the site of “Jones’ Brewery,” which was lost in a massive fire two years earlier. This building is five stories in height and its first floor has been stripped of historic detail and modernized. The upper stories are four bays and the windows have identical ornamental lintels and sills, although the sills of the windows at the second floor have been removed. The metal cornice features dentils, modillions, and raised panels at the frieze between the heavily articulated brackets. The commercial ground floor has no visible stonework, like some of the neighboring buildings.

In a 1940’s tax photo, 625-627 East 6th Street stand out from their neighbors as the facades are ornamented with light-colored brick stringcourses and decorative quoins on the sides of the buildings. Today the brick is painted, though remnants of the earlier details can be seen.

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Block : 389 / Lot : 048 / Building Date : 1877 / Original Owner : David Jones / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Peter Tostevin

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