61 St. Mark’s Place | Block : 450 | Lot #44
Description & Building Alterations
This four-story with basement building was originally erected in 1841 as a three-and-a-half story house. It was raised to its current height in 1881-82. The present facade features a bracketed cornice with ornamented frieze panels, and simplified lintels and sills. The entrance portico features a non-historical entablature with a triangular pediment supported by columns, which replaced the earlier segmental-arched pediment. The historical molded lintels with segmental-arched lintels at the first story and footed sills have been stripped.
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Block : 450 / Lot : 044 / Building Date : 1841 / Original Owner : Coribnon / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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