606 East 11th Street | Block : 393 | Lot #10
Description & Building Alterations
The five story building on this block was likely built sometime between 1867 and 1879, based on a historic photo showing Italianate ornamentation and historic map data. An 1867 Dripps map does not show the tenement on the lot and later maps that clearly display building footprints show that the building was a “pre-law” tenement. Based on the historic photo comparing building and window heights with the firehouse next door, it appears that this building is the original “pre-law” tenement building with a drastically altered facade. This is a building that has been so heavily altered it retains none of its original detail or charm.
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Block : 393 / Lot : 010 / Building Date : Between 1867 & 1879 / Original Owner : Unknown / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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