539 East 6th Street; 541 East 6th Street | Block : 402 | Lot #45
Description & Building Alterations
The six-story apartment building that stands on this lot is the combination of two older buildings, possibly dating as early as 1851. While both buildings have been completely refaced in new brick, the cornice above the first floor and supporting cast iron pilasters may be remnants from an earlier storefront. There is also a vestige of some decorative lintel above the second floor window bay second from the left. The division between the two buildings can be discerned to the right of the window bay third from the right. The alteration history of the building has seen it go from a two-story building to a four-story building to now a six-story building. The current facade appearance dates from a 2000 alteration.
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Block : 402 / Lot : 046 / Building Date : 1851 / Original Owner : American Trust Company / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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