535 East 13th Street; 537 East 13th Street; 535-537 East 13th Street | Block : 407 | Lot #42-43
Description & Building Alterations
This five-story tenement was designed by the notable architecture firm Thom & Wilson, which was also responsible for the Harlem Courthouse and numerous Upper East Side townhouses. This building was constructed with two entrances. The windows on the first through fourth floors feature full architrave surrounds accentuated by projecting offset blocks. The second, third, and fourth floor windows feature flat lintels with plain rectangular recesses at the spandrels. The building is topped by a simple classical cornice with block modillions.
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Block : 407 / Lot : 042-043 / Building Date : 1898 / Original Owner : A.J. McQuade / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Thom & Wilson
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