520 East 14th Street; 520-522 East 14th Street | Block : 407 | Lot #18
Description & Building Alterations
This six-story new law tenement was constructed in 1904. The central bay windows sit lower than the other bays, indicating that an staircase is located on the interior. The cornice is still present but is missing its original block modillions.
In 1953, a permit to remove part of the stoop was filed. At some point, parts of windows in the third and fifth bays were bricked in. Despite the demolition of buildings on either side for a new development in 2014, this tenement still remains.
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Block : 407 / Lot : 018 / Building Date : 1904 / Original Owner : John Seider & Morris Sdolar / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Alfred E. Badt
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