East Village Building Blocks

504-508 East 11th Street | Block : 404 | Lot #6

  • Building Date : 1846
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Joseph Hewlett
  • Original Architect : Unknown

Description & Building Alterations

Lot 6 is occupied by a five-story and four-story building. They were both constructed in 1847 as four-story buildings by owner Joseph Hewlett, however, by 1943, 504 East 11th street was raised an additional floor. The ground floor originally contained a store, though by 1935, the building was converted and became entirely residential.

Both buildings feature a brick façade and brick parapets, which have been altered. The brick forming the parapets varies from the main brick on the facade, indicating that this was an addition. There was a cornice on the original building that has been removed. The four-bay wide buildings feature stone lintels and sills, and the fire escapes at 508 East 11th street are bent wrought iron, a common Queen Anne style feature (this would indicate that they were added in the 1880s-90s when that style was popular).

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Block : 404 / Lot : 006 / Building Date : 1846 / Original Owner : Joseph Hewlett / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown

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