43 East 1st Street | Block : 442 | Lot #17
Description & Building Alterations
This four-bay wide, five-story with basement brick tenement was built in 1865. Although it appears to be identical to the facades at Nos. 41-35 East 1st Street and was constructed in the same year, it had a different owner, Francis Earf.
The facade features a molded curved door hood with decorated brackets, curved window lintels and a modillioned and bracketed cornice with a paneled frieze in the Italianate style. Some historic details such as the window lintels on the second through fifth stories have been shaved down. The curved window lintels on the first story appear to be original.
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Block : 442 / Lot : 017 / Building Date : 1865-66 / Original Owner : Francis Earf/ Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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